-- Floor io.write("Floor of 10.5055 is ", math.floor(10.5055),"\n") -- Ceil io.write("Ceil of 10.5055 is ", math.ceil(10.5055),"\n") -- Square root io.write("Square root of 16 is ",math.sqrt(16),"\n") -- Power io.write("10 power 2 is ",math.pow(10,2),"\n") io.write("100 power 0.5 is ",math.pow(100,0.5),"\n") -- Absolute io.write("Absolute value of -10 is ",math.abs(-10),"\n") --Random math.randomseed(os.time()) io.write("Random number between 1 and 100 is ",math.random(),"\n") --Random between 1 to 100 io.write("Random number between 1 and 100 is ",math.random(1,100),"\n") --Max io.write("Maximum in the input array is ",math.max(1,100,101,99,999),"\n") --Min io.write("Minimum in the input array is ",math.min(1,100,101,99,999),"\n")
运行结果 :